Microsoft Teams Ownership Changes – The Bulk PowerShell Way

As someone who spends most days working with (and thinking about) SharePoint, there’s one thing I can say without any uncertainty or doubt: Microsoft Teams has taken off like a rocket bound for low Earth orbit. It’s rare these days for me to discuss SharePoint without some mention of Teams.

I’m confident that many of you know the reason for this. Besides being a replacement for Skype, many of Teams’ back-end support systems and dependent service implementations are based in – you guessed it – SharePoint Online (SPO).

As one might expect, any technology product that is rapidly evolving and seeing adoption by the enterprise has gaps that reveal themselves and imperfect implementations as it grows – and Teams is no different. I’m confident that Teams will reach a point of maturity and eventually address all of the shortcomings that people are currently finding, but until it does, there will be those of us who attempt to address gaps we might find with the tools at our disposal.

Administrative Pain

One of those Teams pain points we discussed recently on the Microsoft Community Office Hours webcast was the challenge of changing ownership for a large numbers of Teams at once. We took on a question from Mark Diaz who posed the following:

May I ask how do you transfer the ownership of all Teams that a user is managing if that user is leaving the company? I know how to change the owner of the Teams via Teams admin center if I know already the Team that I need to update. Just consulting if you do have an easier script to fetch what teams he or she is an owner so I can add this to our SOP if a user is leaving the company.

Mark Diaz

We discussed Mark’s question (amidst our normal joking around) and posited that PowerShell could provide an answer. And since I like to goof around with PowerShell and scripting, I agreed to take on Mark’s question as “homework” as seen below:

The rest of this post is my direct response to Mark’s question and request for help. I hope this does the trick for you, Mark!

Teams PowerShell

Anyone who has spent any time as an administrator in the Microsoft ecosystem of cloud offerings knows that Microsoft is very big on automating administrative tasks with PowerShell. And being a cloud workload in that ecosystem, Teams is no different.

Microsoft Teams has it’s own PowerShell module, and this can be installed and referenced in your script development environment in a number of different ways that Microsoft has documented. And this MicrosoftTeams module is a prerequisite for some of the cmdlets you’ll see me use a bit further down in this post.

The MicrosoftTeams module isn’t the only way to work with Teams in PowerShell, though. I would have loved to build my script upon the Microsoft Graph PowerShell module … but it’s still in what is termed an “early preview” release. Given that bit of information, I opted to use the “older but safer/more mature” MicrosoftTeams module.

The Script: ReplaceTeamsOwners.ps1

Let me just cut to the chase. I put together my ReplaceTeamOwners.ps1 script to address the specific scenario Mark Diaz asked about. The script accepts a handful of parameters (this next bit lifted straight from the script’s internal documentation):

.PARAMETER currentTeamOwner
    A string that contains the UPN of the user who will be replaced in the 
    ownership changes. This property is mandatory. Example:

.PARAMETER newTeamOwner
    A string containing the UPN of the user who will be assigned at the new
    owner of Teams teams (i.e., in place of the currentTeamOwner). Example
.PARAMETER confirmEachUpdate
    A switch parameter that if specified will require the user executing the
    script to confirm each ownership change before it happens; helps to ensure
    that only the changes desired get made.

    A boolean that indicates whether or not the script will actually be run against
    and/or make changes Teams teams and associated structures. This value defaults 
    to TRUE, so actual script runs must explicitly set isTest to FALSE to affect 
    changes on Teams teams ownership.

So both currentTeamOwner and newTeamOwner must be specified, and that’s fairly intuitive to understand. If the -confirmEachUpdate switch is supplied, then for each possible ownership change there will be a confirmation prompt allowing you to agree to an ownership change on a case-by-case basis.

The one parameter that might be a little confusing is the script’s isTest parameter. If unspecified, this parameter defaults to TRUE … and this is something I’ve been putting in my scripts for ages. It’s sort of like PowerShell’s -WhatIf switch in that it allows you to understand the path of execution without actually making any changes to the environment and targeted systems/services. In essence, it’s basically a “dry run.”

The difference between my isTest and PowerShell’s -WhatIf is that you have to explicitly set isTest to FALSE to “run the script for real” (i.e., make changes) rather than remembering to include -WhatIf to ensure that changes aren’t made. If someone forgets about the isTest parameter and runs my script, no worries – the script is in test mode by default. My scripts fail safe and without relying on an admin’s memory, unlike -WhatIf.

And now … the script!


    This script is used to replace all instances of a Teams team owner with the
    identity of another account. This might be necessary in situations where a
    user leaves an organization, administrators change, etc.

    Anytime a Microsoft Teams team is created, an owner must be associated with
    it. Oftentimes, the team owner is an administrator or someone who has no
    specific tie to the team.

    Administrators tend to change over time; at the same time, teams (as well as
    other IT "objects", like SharePoint sites) undergo transitions in ownership
    as an organization evolves.

    Although it is possible to change the owner of Microsoft Teams team through
    the M365 Teams console, the process only works for one site at a time. If
    someone leaves an organization, it's often necessary to transfer all objects
    for which that user had ownership.

    That's what this script does: it accepts a handful of parameters and provides
    an expedited way to transition ownership of Teams teams from one user to 
    another very quickly.

.PARAMETER currentTeamOwner
    A string that contains the UPN of the user who will be replaced in the 
    ownership changes. This property is mandatory. Example:

.PARAMETER newTeamOwner
    A string containing the UPN of the user who will be assigned at the new
    owner of Teams teams (i.e., in place of the currentTeamOwner). Example
.PARAMETER confirmEachUpdate
    A switch parameter that if specified will require the user executing the
    script to confirm each ownership change before it happens; helps to ensure
    that only the changes desired get made.

    A boolean that indicates whether or not the script will actually be run against
    and/or make changes Teams teams and associated structures. This value defaults 
    to TRUE, so actual script runs must explicitly set isTest to FALSE to affect 
    changes on Teams teams ownership.
    File Name  : ReplaceTeamsOwners.ps1
    Author     : Sean McDonough -
    Last Update: September 2, 2020

Function ReplaceOwners {
        [Boolean]$isTest = $true

    # Perform a parameter check. Start with the site spec.
    Write-Host ""
    Write-Host "Attempting prerequisite operations ..."
    $paramCheckPass = $true
    # First - see if we have the MSOnline module installed.
    try {
        Write-Host "- Checking for presence of MSOnline PowerShell module ..."
        $checkResult = Get-InstalledModule -Name "MSOnline"
        if ($null -ne $checkResult) {
            Write-Host "  - MSOnline module already installed; now importing ..."
            Import-Module -Name "MSOnline" | Out-Null
        else {
            Write-Host "- MSOnline module not installed. Attempting installation ..."            
            Install-Module -Name "MSOnline" | Out-Null
            $checkResult = Get-InstalledModule -Name "MSOnline"
            if ($null -ne $checkResult) {
                Import-Module -Name "MSOnline" | Out-Null
                Write-Host "  - MSOnline module successfully installed and imported."    
            else {
                Write-Host ""
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "  - MSOnline module not installed or loaded."
                $paramCheckPass = $false            
    catch {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "- Unexpected problem encountered with MSOnline import attempt."
        $paramCheckPass = $false

    # Our second order of business is to make sure we have the PowerShell cmdlets we need
    # to execute this script.
    try {
        Write-Host "- Checking for presence of MicrosoftTeams PowerShell module ..."
        $checkResult = Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams"
        if ($null -ne $checkResult) {
            Write-Host "  - MicrosoftTeams module installed; will now import it ..."
            Import-Module -Name "MicrosoftTeams" | Out-Null
        else {
            Write-Host "- MicrosoftTeams module not installed. Attempting installation ..."            
            Install-Module -Name "MicrosoftTeams" | Out-Null
            $checkResult = Get-InstalledModule -Name "MicrosoftTeams"
            if ($null -ne $checkResult) {
                Import-Module -Name "MicrosoftTeams" | Out-Null
                Write-Host "  - MicrosoftTeams module successfully installed and imported."    
            else {
                Write-Host ""
                Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "  - MicrosoftTeams module not installed or loaded."
                $paramCheckPass = $false            
    catch {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "- Unexpected problem encountered with MicrosoftTeams import attempt."
        $paramCheckPass = $false

    # Have we taken care of all necessary prerequisites?
    if ($paramCheckPass) {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "Prerequisite check passed. Press  to continue."
    } else {
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "One or more prerequisite operations failed. Script terminating."

    # We can now begin. First step will be to get the user authenticated to they can actually
    # do something (and we'll have a tenant context)
    try {
        Write-Host "Please authenticate to begin the owner replacement process."
        $creds = Get-Credential
        Write-Host "- Credentials gathered. Connecting to Azure Active Directory ..."
        Connect-MsolService -Credential $creds | Out-Null
        Write-Host "- Now connecting to Microsoft Teams ..."
        Connect-MicrosoftTeams -Credential $creds | Out-Null
        Write-Host "- Required connections established. Proceeding with script."
        # We need the list of AAD users to validate our target and replacement.
        Write-Host "Retrieving list of Azure Active Directory users ..."
        $currentUserUPN = $null
        $currentUserId = $null
        $currentUserName = $null
        $newUserUPN = $null
        $newUserId = $null
        $newUserName = $null
        $allUsers = Get-MsolUser
        Write-Host "- Users retrieved. Validating ID of current Teams owner ($currentTeamsOwner)"
        $currentAADUser = $allUsers | Where-Object {$_.SignInName -eq $currentTeamsOwner}
        if ($null -eq $currentAADUser) {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "- Current Teams owner could not be found in Azure AD. Halting script."
        else {
            $currentUserUPN = $currentAADUser.UserPrincipalName
            $currentUserId = $currentAADUser.ObjectId
            $currentUserName = $currentAADUser.DisplayName
            Write-Host "  - Current user found. Name='$currentUserName', ObjectId='$currentUserId'"
        Write-Host "- Now Validating ID of new Teams owner ($newTeamsOwner)"
        $newAADUser = $allUsers | Where-Object {$_.SignInName -eq $newTeamsOwner}
        if ($null -eq $newAADUser) {
            Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "- New Teams owner could not be found in Azure AD. Halting script."
        else {
            $newUserUPN = $newAADUser.UserPrincipalName
            $newUserId = $newAADUser.ObjectId
            $newUserName = $newAADUser.DisplayName
            Write-Host "  - New user found. Name='$newUserName', ObjectId='$newUserId'"
        Write-Host "Both current and new users exist in Azure AD. Proceeding with script."

        # If we've made it this far, then we have valid current and new users. We need to
        # fetch all Teams to get their associated GroupId values, and then examine each
        # GroupId in turn to determine ownership.
        $allTeams = Get-Team
        $teamCount = $allTeams.Count
        Write-Host "Begin processing of teams. There are $teamCount total team(s)."
        foreach ($currentTeam in $allTeams) {
            # Retrieve basic identification information
            $groupId = $currentTeam.GroupId
            $groupName = $currentTeam.DisplayName
            $groupDescription = $currentTeam.Description
            Write-Host "- Team name: '$groupName'"
            Write-Host "  - GroupId: '$groupId'"
            Write-Host "  - Description: '$groupDescription'"

            # Get the users associated with the team and determine if the target user is
            # currently an owner of it.
            $currentIsOwner = $null
            $groupOwners = (Get-TeamUser -GroupId $groupId) | Where-Object {$_.Role -eq "owner"}
            $currentIsOwner = $groupOwners | Where-Object {$_.UserId -eq $currentUserId}

            # Do we have a match for the targeted user?
            if ($null -eq $currentIsOwner) {
                # No match; we're done for this cycle.
                Write-Host "  - $currentUserName is not an owner."
            else {
                # We have a hit. Is confirmation needed?
                $performUpdate = $false
                Write-Host "  - $currentUserName is currently an owner."
                if ($confirmEachUpdate) {
                    $response = Read-Host "  - Change ownership to $newUserName (Y/N)?"
                    if ($response.Trim().ToLower() -eq "y") {
                        $performUpdate = $true
                else {
                    # Confirmation not needed. Do the update.
                    $performUpdate = $true
                # Change ownership if the appropriate flag is set
                if ($performUpdate) {
                    # We need to check if we're in test mode.
                    if ($isTest) {
                        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Yellow "  - isTest flag is set. No ownership change processed (although it would have been)."
                    else {
                        Write-Host "  - Adding '$newUserName' as an owner ..."
                        Add-TeamUser -GroupId $groupId -User $newUserUPN -Role owner
                        Write-Host "  - '$newUserName' is now an owner. Removing old owner ..."
                        Remove-TeamUser -GroupId $groupId -User $currentUserUPN -Role owner
                        Write-Host "  - '$currentUserName' is no longer an owner."
                else {
                    Write-Host "  - No changes in ownership processed for $groupName."
                Write-Host ""

        # We're done let the user know.
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Green "All Teams processed. Script concluding."
        Write-Host ""

    catch {
        # One or more problems encountered during processing. Halt execution.
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "-" $_
        Write-Host -ForegroundColor Red "- Script execution halted."

ReplaceOwners -currentTeamsOwner -newTeamsOwner -isTest $true -confirmEachUpdate

Don’t worry if you don’t feel like trying to copy and paste that whole block. I zipped up the script and you can download it here.

A Brief Script Walkthrough

I like to make an admin’s life as simple as possible, so the first part of the script (after the comments/documentation) is an attempt to import (and if necessary, first install) the PowerShell modules needed for execution: MSOnline and MicrosoftTeams.

From there, the current owner and new owner identities are verified before the script goes through the process of getting Teams and determining which ones to target. I believe that the inline comments are written in relatively plain English, and I include a lot of output to the host to spell out what the script is doing each step of the way.

The last line in the script is simply the invocation of the ReplaceOwners function with the parameters I wanted to use. You can leave this line in and change the parameters, take it out, or use the script however you see fit.

Here’s a screenshot of a full script run in my family’s tenant ( where I’m attempting to see which Teams my wife (Tracy) currently owns that I want to assume ownership of. Since the script is run with isTest being TRUE, no ownership is changed – I’m simply alerted to where an ownership change would have occurred if isTest were explicitly set to FALSE.

ReplaceTeamsOwners.ps1 execution run


So there you have it. I put this script together during a relatively slow afternoon. I tested and ensured it was as error-free as I could make it with the tenants that I have, but I would still test it yourself (using an isTest value of TRUE, at least) before executing it “for real” against your production system(s).

And Mark D: I hope this meets your needs.

References and Resources

  1. Microsoft: Microsoft Teams
  2. buckleyPLANET: Microsoft Community Office Hours, Episode 24
  3. YouTube: Excerpt from Microsoft Community Office Hours Episode 24
  4. Microsoft Docs: Microsoft Teams PowerShell Overview
  5. Microsoft Docs: Install Microsoft Team PowerShell
  6. Microsoft 365 Developer Blog: Microsoft Graph PowerShell Preview
  7. Microsoft Tech Community: PowerShell Basics: Don’t Fear Hitting Enter with -WhatIf
  8. Zipped Script:

Author: Sean McDonough

I am a consultant for Bitstream Foundry LLC, a SharePoint solutions, services, and consulting company headquartered in Cincinnati, Ohio. My professional development background goes back to the COM and pre-COM days - as well as SharePoint (since 2004) - and I've spent a tremendous amount of time both in the plumbing (as an IT Pro) and APIs (as a developer) associated with SharePoint and SharePoint Online. In addition, I've been a Microsoft MVP (Most Valuable Professional) in the Office Apps & Services category since 2016.

5 thoughts on “Microsoft Teams Ownership Changes – The Bulk PowerShell Way”

  1. Hi great script. Where do you type in/amend the current owner details and new owner details in the script exactly please?

  2. Hi where in the script do add the current owner details and the new owner details exactly ? and what is an example of the user id please?

    1. Thanks for the feedback!

      If you do a get-help with the script, it’ll dump the parameters that can and should be specified. An example use-case appears at the bottom of the script window above. User IDs are specified in UPN format (basically, an email address; e.g.,

      I hope that helps!

      – Sean

      1. You’re welcome it’s a great script. I have the currentOwner’s UPN but the script is halted as it says the user cannot be found in AzureAD. The UPN for the user is disabled and is definitely in our AzureAD as I can run Get-AzureADUser and it returns results for that user. Any ideas why it’s says the account cannot be found in AzureAD ?

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